音声 速さ


主語が「he / she / it」のときが、3人称単数の文になります。
また、my father や Taro が主語の場合も「my father = he」「Taro = he」と置きかえられるので3人称単数の文になります。

 he / my father / Taro
 she / your mather / Mary
 it / my dog / your book

 「my friends」「Taro and Jiro」などは複数なので they にあたります。


「he / she / it」と同じく is を使います。

My father is a teacher. Mary is a student.
My dog is cute. Your book is good.
This is a book. This book is good.

this は3人称単数、this+名詞も it に置きかえられるので is を使います。

一般動詞 3単現のs

 I play basketball.
 He plays basketball. ← play は plays になる

He plays soccer. My father likes dogs.
She studies Math. Mary goes to school.
It works well. My dog runs fast.
This makes me happy. This train goes to Tokyo.

have は主語が3人称単数で現在のことを述べる肯定文では has になります。
 I have a book.
 He has a book. ← have は has になる


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